This is so darn cute ♡ Fills my heart with happiness just looking at it. :D
This is so darn cute ♡ Fills my heart with happiness just looking at it. :D
She may be aloof and oblivious, but she certainly has a charm of her own!
Hey, this looks really cool! The textures are excellent. Is this digital or traditional? I'm having a tough time telling for some reason. There are areas that look traditionally-done, while other parts appear digital to me, heh. Fantastic work either way!
Its traditional, but I kinda went ham on it with paint markers to make it look shiny.
This is so lovely! :D
Thank you!
This is the cutest Pokemon picture ever ♡♡♡
Aww thank you! <3
Super stunning! Those hands definitely look like they could cause some damage if they wanted to.
Thanks and yeah I can definitely see that
The texture here is honestly mesmerizing. I can't stop staring at the little details for some reason! Like candy for my eyes.
Thank you! It took forever and killed that pen, lol.
Oh damn, so awesome! :D Gotta love unique poses and fun viewpoints like this.
Thank you so much! Poses are, indeed, one of my favorite art subjects.
Uh oh, no scurvy please! That's no fun to get. ^_^; This lovely pirate lass is fantastic, however! Such nice little details.
Some of the edges of the character do look a bit.. pixelated. Was that on purpose? I can't quite tell.
This character design is very well done regardless, though! Her personality really shines. :3
yeah, saving this as transparent was a bit of mistake so some of the brush strokes pixels were kinda left LOL ; thank u very much!
She's really cool! I like this dynamic action pose she is in. :3
Oh thanks a lot!! I'm glad you liked it!! =)
Aaawww this is so cute, makes my heart melt ♡
Thanks!! ^_^
A fossil who draws, looks at art & sometimes leaves comments! Also takes comms once in a while. Hello! o/
Joined on 5/27/16