Shoes melting bc of the heat on the pavement? I feel this.. *cries in Floridian*
Shoes melting bc of the heat on the pavement? I feel this.. *cries in Floridian*
the creature is supposedly made of wax and has a recurring problem with inopportune melts but I still think at some point it should learn how to avoid these situations.
Your artwork gets more and more eye-catching with every new piece!! ;w;
I know this will make no sense to most, but this is my favorite page from your mini comic bc the lighting is just SO good !!!
I definitely needed this today, and it helped so much ♡♡♡♡ Thank you!!!
So cute aaaaaaaaaa that sly face! ♡
I feel like he would get along with Princess Bubblegum. Although they delve into two very different types of sciences. xD Sorry for randomly pointing that out - This looks awesome btw!! °w°
God your background work inspires me SO much !!
I'm still in awe of your color choices and the way you render things in a sketchy/painterly manner! It really makes your subjects feel alive. :D I would like to mention that this character's skull seems a bit too flat, even for a reptile creature. Using a warp tool and "pulling" the head upwards a bit from the top could round it out a little more, make it seem fuller.
Still, great work as usual! Always happy to see your art. ^^
HELL yes. Preach.
Eeeeeeee so cute and painterly! :3
A fossil who draws, looks at art & sometimes leaves comments! Also takes comms once in a while. Hello! o/
Joined on 5/27/16