I looooove this face ♡♡♡♡♡
I looooove this face ♡♡♡♡♡
Thank you!
They are both so cute and peaceful! The only thing I notice about the newest one is the tanget - his elbow is touching the very edge of the picture.
Precious as heck ; w ;
Yeeesssss this is perfect.♡♡♡
Oh, so cute omg!!
Nice work :D
Thank you
That looks like it smarts 😭
These look very, very good at one piece. ♡ I sincerely hope things look up for you asap ;;
Now THIS is thicc!! ♡♡♡♡
A fossil who draws, looks at art & sometimes leaves comments! Also takes comms once in a while. Hello! o/
Joined on 5/27/16